While searching through VAERS for Moderna lot numbers, I discovered that you cannot always stop at just the very first “hit.” Here is the first hit for serious adverse event reports for the lot number of …
029 A 21 A
At 206 serious adverse events reported, you might think that that must be all of them — because 206 serious adverse events is a very, very high number of serious reports for just one single lot produced on just one single manufacturing day. But alas, if you keep scrolling, you find other “iterations” of the lot number …
Two people thought that the “2” in “21” was a “Z”
Another person put a “LOT#” in front of the lot number
Another person thought the “1” in “21” was an “I”
Another person thought the final “A” was a “4”
Another person thought the final “A” was a “P”
Another person appears to report both of two doses
Right below that report, someone else does it, too
Another person adds a space before the final “A”
Another person adds a “0” before the “21”
And another person put a “#” in front of the number
That’s 206 from the obvious hit, and another 11 (another 5%) from those less obvious, for a total of 217 serious AERs from this Moderna lot. Evidence suggests that single lot findings (original 206) should be inflated by 5% to account for the typographical errors which were also trying to input that same lot number, but did so in other ways.
[VAERS search string] — https://medalerts.org/vaersdb/findfield.php?TABLE=ON&GROUP1=VMANLOT&TSORT=down&VAX[]=COVID19&VAX[]=COVID19-2&VAXTYPES=COVID-19&VAXMAN=MODERNA&SERIOUS=ON