Peterson-KFF reported on how it was the case that the USA, besides doing worse than other comparable nations, has lost 20 years of health gains recently:
Much of this lost health is due to ramped-up deaths from diseases such as cerebrovascular disease (stroke) and kidney disease — two diseases related to the COVID jabs which the government tried to get everyone to take. Here is the overall death rate due to stroke:
NOTE: ICD-10 codes for cerebrovascular disease (stroke) are I60 to I69
In 2022, the overall rate was 10% higher than in 2018, and here is the overall death rate due to kidney disease:
NOTE: ICD-10 codes for kidney disease are N00 to N07, N17 to N19, and N25 to N27.
In 2022, the overall rate was 11% higher than in 2018, but critics and detractors may wail and moan about how this death rate is a crude rate which does not account for an aging population. But when looking at those of age 35 to 39, things are even worse. Here is that age band’s death rate due to stroke:
At the peak, the death rate due to stroke was 24% higher than it was in 2018. Because genetics cannot account for changes which take place inside of just a few years, the cause of the increased death rate in this age band must be environment — something that they got exposed to which made them more likely to die of stroke.
A good guess is the COVID shots.
Here is that age band’s death rate due to kidney disease:
In this graph, the death rate stays 20% higher than 2018 for three straight years, only to begin coming down by a little in 2023 — after most people had stopped taking COVID shots and other COVID treatments, such as remdesivir.
Deaths due to kidney disease and stroke should never spike up by 20%, because that implies a terrible environmental insult to the human body. The fact that the all-ages values both peaked in 2022 provides evidence that the cause was not COVID — which had become weaker than common flu by 2022, with the onset of the Omicron variant.
This means that the extra death is more likely due to the official protocols, themselves — the COVID shots in particular — rather than to the original disease.
[Peterson-KFF show how unhealthy Americans got within just 2 years of medical tyranny] —
[CDC’s Wonder app (choose provisional multi-cause deaths)] —