NOTE: The earliest flu shots of a given season typically go out in July (the 1st typical month of flu shots), while the latest flu shots typically go out in January (the last typical month of flu shots). Choosing March-to-March cutoffs (like below) guarantees a clean break from one season to the next.
To get a comparable “vaccine group size” for comparison to the COVID shots given out up to the month of March 2023 requires reaching 670 million doses:
When looking at successive years of flu shots, the five seasons from 2009-2014 match up very well — coming in at less than 0.5% away from the number of COVID shots:
But when you check VAERS for fatal adverse event reports for those five flu seasons, you find that there were 247 fatal adverse event reports, with most reports found in those over 40 years old (and 7%-plus of the deaths from age 40-49).
At 670.5 million flu shots given out, the reporting rate is 0.37 fatal adverse event reports per million doses of flu shots.
For COVID, with 672.6 million shots given by March 2023, the number of fatal adverse event reports was 76 times larger:
At 672.6 million COVID shots given out, the reporting rate is 27.84 fatal adverse event reports per million doses of COVID shots. With COVID shots, the age distribution of deaths is a little higher, with most of the deaths in those over 50 years old (and 7%-plus of the deaths from age 50-59).
In each case, ~670 million shots had been given out, but with COVID, there were 76 times as many deaths reported.
When looking at strokes (cerebrovascular accident), there were 38 total reports from 670 million doses of flu shots:
The age distribution is more spread out, though the highest concentration is in those of age 65 to 79 years.
With COVID shots, the number of reports of stroke was 122 times as high:
The age distribution is roughly similar to that seen with flu shots, but with a notable paucity of reports in those under age 18 — possibly reflecting a lower COVID shot uptake in kids relative to adults, when compared to the same two uptake levels of the flu shot.
Evidence from comparable groups suggests that COVID shots are 76 times more dangerous than flu shots, though deep analysis revealed that COVID itself was never more than twice as bad as the flu.
ADDENDUM: A graph for the main finding above is posted here.
[Historic flu shot uptake levels] — CDC.
[MedAlerts VAERS searching tool] — MedAlerts.