When walking through a forest or jungle, it can help to have a guide or a scout — someone familiar with the territory because of having gone into it deeper than you, or perhaps any others, have. With corruption, one of the persons who has gone deeper into the woods than most other people on this planet is Catherine Austin Fitts.
Catherine was the first to broadly communicate that trillions of dollars have gone missing from the federal budget, and has even been willing to broadly communicate some of the dark methods that elites utilize in order to neutralize their critics. That level of perception (seeing something) and of bravery (saying something) is unmatched.
But recently, Catherine has shown alarm at the flash-audits of government by Elon Musk, because of her already being aware of a decade-long plan to implement a digital control grid. Even COVID, had it led to vaccine passports, would have resulted in a digital control grid — where some type of digital ID would be required for us to live.
It seems to me that a simple pledge by Elon Musk might help. Something like this:
“I, Elon Musk, pledge not to help implement a digital control grid in the USA.”
Even though such “loyalty pledges” are historically associated with fascist and communist societies, and even though they offer no guarantee, a pledge like that might help to dissuade prime movers from taking those extra steps that would be required for the digital control of human beings on Earth.
The point is not that corruption should be overlooked instead of looked into, the point is about the method in which corruption is looked into. Some methods of looking into corruption are more dangerous than others. Catherine cites how it could be especially dangerous if an outfit such as Palantir were to gain control over all private data.