When plundering a society, you have to be careful not to incite people against you.
The “powers-that-be” often secretly promote agents of disenfranchisement: sophisticated persons (sometimes called the “glitterati”) who make arguments which notch society closer and closer to totalitarian rule. J.M. Keynes made arguments in the 1930s that it’d be a really good idea for governments to intervene into the economy.
As you can guess, those in power propped him up and Keynesianism became the dominant economic philosophy for decades, even though it was inferior to prior economic schools of thought. It was pushed not because it was truthful, but because it aided those in power (it gave them more levers of power over society).
Not all members of the glitterati (useful mouthpieces) may fully know that they are being “used.” A minority of them can be presumed innocent and not “in on the con.” That minority would simply just truly believe their own outlandish theories, and have enough hubris that they could not detect that power-lusters were using them.
A very short list of “agents of disenfranchisement” would be these 8 personas:
JM Keynes — governments should be allowed to interfere in the business sector
Paul Krugman — “governments should be allowed …”
Robert Reich — “governments should be allowed …”
Sam Harris — anti-free will
Ian Bremmer — globalism should rule over Earth
Yuval Noah Harari — anti-free will
Jeffrey Sachs — globalism should rule over Earth
Matthew Desmond — existing homeowners should be taxed to help homelessness
Each one of these talking heads forwards arguments which fuel totalitarian takeovers. The newest on the scene is Matthew Desmond who wrote: Poverty, by America. He may not realize how his “policy fix” of taxing homeowners leads the US into a feudalist “renters’ society” where financial conglomerates own all the homes.
He may merely be an “intellectual patsy” — rather than being “in on it” with regard to a Great Reset where we “own nothing.” But going forward, expect for him to be backed. Expect for him to get exposure and praise, not because he is right, but because he argues for things that feed totalitarian takeover.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics puts out a Consumer Expenditure Survey and if you add 6 of the line-items in it, they collectively represent over half of all spending. If incomes are adjusted to the average level of spending on them, you get a makeshift price index that tells you about the purchasing power of median household income:
Because plunder causes median income to fall even if average income is not falling — due to the super-rich becoming super-doubledog-duper rich — you need press agents to tell people that life is getting better (or that they should submit to authority).
That’s the reason that the glitterati (agents of human disenfranchisement) get to live so high on the hog, as the middle-class is hollowed-out using the very intellectual ammunition which they create.