When you graph weekly excess deaths in the USA along with the number, in thousands, of COVID shots given weekly, you get this:
The blue line represents COVID shots as measured in the thousands, so that a value of 800 at left means “800,000 COVID shots administered over the previous 7 days.” The weekly excess deaths are in raw counts, so that 800 merely means “800 excess deaths in the previous 7 days.”
But disturbing patterns in excess deaths follow the waves of COVID shots, and those patterns will be referred to as Exhibit A-D:
If COVID shots were safe and effective, then the expectation of excess deaths after COVID shots would be very low (near-zero, for up to 6 months in a row). But excess deaths were not driven to zero after COVID shots. They didn’t even remain level. Let’s first begin with Exhibit A:
Exhibit A
The peak in COVID shot uptake (blue) at left has a wide base and an outward jut at the lower right, that pattern is “repeated” in the excess deaths (red) at right. Instead of staying low for a full 6 months after COVID shot uptake had peaked out, the excess deaths mirrored the COVID shot uptake pattern, like an echo through time.
Because they are of similar height for Exhibit A (the primary series COVID shots), the implication is that one new excess death was caused for every thousand COVID shots given.
Here is Exhibit B:
Exhibit B
The COVID shot uptake (blue) has a primary peak that was preceded by an upward jut, just like the excess death (red) pattern shows. Because the peak in excess deaths is higher than the peak in COVID shot uptake, the implication is that more than one new excess death was caused for every thousand COVID shots given out.
The peak in COVID shot uptake would be largely comprised of the first booster shot. As the excess deaths remain relatively higher below, it indicates that the booster shots were more lethal than the primary series.
But make sure that you are sitting down before you scroll down to Exhibit C below …
Exhibit C
Not only did excess deaths not drop and stay low for 6 months after COVID shot uptake peaked, but with approximately a 15-week lag time, the pattern of excess deaths almost exactly mirrored the pattern of COVID shot uptake 15 weeks prior. The statistical chance for these 21 consecutive weeks to match up so well is tiny.
From March 2022 to November 2022, the excess deaths were like an almost-perfect echo of the COVID shot uptake. Because excess deaths were higher for Exhibit C (the second round of booster shots), the implication is that somewhat more than one new excess death was caused by every thousand booster shots given out.
Here is Exhibit D:
Exhibit D
The COVID shot uptake had a rounded rise at far left in Exhibit D, followed by a dip and then an upward jut, and then a drop, then a slight upward jut, and then a taper — just like the excess death pattern shows. The implication is that those COVID shots were creating those postponed or belated excess deaths.
Again, because the excess death line peaks higher than the COVID shot uptake, it indicates that more than one new excess death was caused per thousand COVID shots given out.
The statistical chance for 4 consecutive dual patterns that are roughly an 80% to 90% match with each other is astronomically low, so the only conclusion to make regarding these matching patterns is that COVID shots led to excess deaths (those shots killed people).
[Excess mortality using raw death counts (first one on page, before the one from The Economist)] — https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid
[COVID-10 vaccine doses administered by manufacturer (USA selected with Moderna, Pfizer, J&J, and Novavax summed up for each week] — https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations
[The other daily excess death graph available at OWID, but not used above, is from the Economist] — https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid
Can you clarify if these excess deaths are designated as deaths from or with covid, or by other reasons, as not clear to me? If not covid, what is recorded?