Steve Kirsch recently mentioned how benefit from a vaccine must either show up as reduced cases, or reduced case fatality in those cases that are known. Cases don’t fall though. When the time series of case fatality rates (CFR) is examined, if COVID shots worked, then the CFR would fall monotonically (they would fall without rising again).
Here is the time series of CFR in China:
Notice how, even into 2024, the CFR does not come down after mass uptake of COVID shots, indicating that the COVID shots do not reduce the mortality that is associated with COVID.
Here is the time series of CFR in Germany, which was 0.23% for the week of 1 Sep 2020 (prior to COVID shots):
Notice how, even into 2023, the CFR does not stay below the original baseline value of 0.23% — like it would if it had been true that COVID shots reduced COVID mortality.
Here is the time series of CFR in India, which was 1.53% in the week of 1 Sep 2020 (prior to COVID shots):
Notice how, even into 2024, the CFR does not stay below the original baseline value of 1.53% — like it would if it had been true that COVID shots reduced COVID mortality.
Here is the time series of CFR in Italy, which was 0.99% in the week of 1 Sep 2020 (prior to COVID shots):
Notice how, even into 2024, the CFR does not stay below the original baseline value of 0.99% — like it would if it had been true that COVID shots reduced COVID mortality.
Here is the time series of CFR in Philippine, which was 1.9% in the week of 1 Sep 2020 (prior to COVID shots):
Notice how, even into 2023, the CFR does not stay below the original baseline value of 1.9% — like it would if it had been true that COVID shots reduced COVID mortality.
United Kingdom
Here is the time series of CFR in the United Kingom, which was 1.17% in the week of 1 Sep 2020 (prior to COVID shots):
Notice how, even into 2023, the CFR does not stay below the original baseline value of 1.17% — like it would if it had been true that COVID shots reduced COVID mortality. Instead of reducing the mortality from COVID, below the baseline found in the week of 1 Sep 2020, COVID shots appear to have made COVID more deadly (higher CFR).
Here are peak weeks that occurred after COVID shots, visually comparable to the start-point at left — the week of 1 Sep 2020 — before COVID shots were given out:
In these 6 nations, having mass uptake of COVID shots led to the situation where people became more likely to die from COVID if they had contracted COVID. This is the exact opposite of what we were told that these shots would do. The shots should not make you more likely to die from the disease that they purportedly protect against.
[death rate 10 days delayed behind case rate] —
Has UK stopped providing data?