When Mussolini took power in Italy, he created state corporatism — sometimes called “corporativism” — a merger of state and corporate power that came to be known as Fascism. When RFK Jr. decided to run for president, he railed against American Fascism, calling it by it’s real and longer name:
A 2025 report out of the EU reveals continued government payments to Moderna for mRNA vaccines over the next 4 years, but governments cannot keep merging with private sector interests like that. If governments pay $27 per Moderna dose, then every 37 million doses purchased becomes another billion dollars in graft to Moderna.
Even the Dept. of Defense?
In 2022, the Department of Defense bought almost two billion dollars of Moderna doses — at $27 per dose — but what do they need 65 million doses for? The Department of Defense is not a health agency, so why are they stock-piling Moderna doses like that? Was it merely to help out with Moderna’s bottom line (i.e., to prop-up Moderna)?
The Last-Nine-Months Metric
When checking for COVID shot uptake over the previous 9 months, where data stops in late 2024, there is bad news and there is good news:
Bad News
The bad news is that, because there is a corrupt merger of state and corporate power, the uptake in high-income nations is 26 times higher than the uptake in lower middle-income nations. This reflects those doses which rich governments purchased and have doled out to their citizens, using propaganda campaigns to maintain fear-based uptake.
Good News
But the good news is that uptake rates used to be 74 times higher — and they have come down by 74-fold, due to the lack of perceived need and the discovered toxicity of the COVID shots. Uptake rates are now 98% lower than before, coming in at under 2% of their peak levels.
In high-income nations, only 21 in every 1,000 persons took COVID shots over 9 months of time. In lower middle-income nations, less than 1 person in a thousand did.