The UK published deaths and person-years of observation by age and jab status and those adults under age 40 in England who had gotten just one dose had higher death than those who had remained unjabbed:
The annualized death rate for December 2022 in those single-jabbed is missing from the graph because only 8 deaths were recorded that month, which makes the standard error of that rate unreliably large.
While the UK splits deaths by whether the jab was within 21 days ago or more than 21 days ago, this graph shows them combined into one rate (orange line). Anyone who got just one dose got counted. April of 2021 was the most disturbing, because those single-jabbed were dying at three times the death rate of the unjabbed.
Such a high difference can have a “culling effect” where future doses will not be seen to be very deadly (because so many of them had already died after Dose 1).
Evidence suggests that COVID jabs should be pulled from the market, due to leading to an average “single-dosed” death rate that is 21% higher than the unjabbed death rate.
[Deaths in England out to December 2022] — ONS.