[this is a correction of previous post of the same name; when an Excel error was made]
This Substack was inspired by an incredible SubStack from Unacceptable Jessica (Jessica Rose), where it was revealed that Sweden only had a “pandemic-of-the-vaccinated” in 2021. The death data on those who never got jabbed got revealed.
For perspective, a very bad monthly death rate would be something like was seen for the pneumonia & influenza (P&I) deaths in the first 4 weeks of 2018 in the USA: 83 monthly deaths per million.
When put into units of monthly deaths per 100,000, the flu from 2018 — in its worst-ever month — caused 8.3 monthly deaths per 100,000.
I reworked Jessica’s final chart using the average population of never-jabbed in Sweden (weekly % share of population remaining completely unvaxxed, times monthly population, averaged for the month)
Notice how, since February, COVID has not been worse than the 2018 flu in those who decided against getting vaccinated.
Caveat: As Jessica Rose noted in her incredible SubStack, the populations of the “never-jabbed” always include young children, while the populations of the “ever-jabbed” always do not. This makes the chart above a slight overestimate of the danger of COVID vaccines, and also a slight underestimate of the danger of COVID. Jessica’s units were in the 100k’s, while I prefer monthly deaths per million.
It appears that, in Sweden for 2021, if you never took the jab, then your death rate only temporarily got beyond that seen in the worst months of severe flu. That makes it a “pandemic of the jabbed” — while not even being far worse than a severe flu for those who never take even a single dose of vaccine.
For the first 5 months of 2021 in Sweden, those who took a jab (got at least one vaccine dose) were almost 9 times more likely to die. The 5-month average monthly death rate in those never-jabbed was 55.8, while in those who took a jab, it was 487.2 monthly deaths per million.
Thank goodness that the Swedish government buckled under pressure and released the death data on everyone who had ever taken a jab, and everyone who had never taken a jab.
It is this kind of contrast which is needed to evaluate the merit of the vaccine campaign, and data in Sweden reveal that vaccines are associated with more death — not with less death.
If the world is lucky, then dozens and dozens of other governments will follow Sweden’s lead — and release the death data on those who never took a jab, contrasted against the death data on those who did.
[Monthly Population in Sweden] — Population Statistics 2019-2022 (month) and 1998-2021 (year). https://www.scb.se/en/finding-statistics/statistics-by-subject-area/population/population-composition/population-statistics/pong/tables-and-graphs/monthly-statistics--the-whole-country/population-statistics-2019-2022-month-and-1998-2021-year/
[Weekly Percent Share of Swedish Population who had ever taken even a single jab] — OWID. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations
[Incredible SubStack] — Unacceptable Jessica. Demystifying the Swedish Data…
[Report by Swedish researchers after their Freedom of Info Request got results] — Swedish Public Health Agency reporting has distorted mortality rates for the unvaccinated and the vaccinated. https://lakaruppropet.se/public-health-agency-reporting-has-distorted-mortality-rates-for-the-unvaccinated-and-vaccinated/