Five nations that simultaneously cremate most deaths and also had high cremations in 2023 are Denmark, Singapore, Slovenia, South Korea and Thailand. Having high death and cremation rates into 2023 represents a prolonged environmental insult.
After increasing by about 13% from 2019 to 2022, you would expect what is called the “Dry Tinder” effect, wherein heavy death counts reduced the remaining number of people to form future death pools — making it progressively harder to sustain high death counts. But the 2023 value was still above the 2021 value, which is troubling.
Even considering the “Dry Tinder” effect above, Singapore completely sustained the high cremation count that they had in 2022. The count for 2023 was even 59 persons higher than in 2022.
Slovenia saw a reduction from a peak in 2021, indicative of the “Dry Tinder” effect removing susceptible persons. Even still, 2023 counts were high compared to 2019.
South Korea
South Korea is the most worrisome trend of the bunch. Having peaked out relatively later on with regard to COVID shots, they are having a delayed reaction in terms of rising death and cremation counts. The 2023 cremation rate implied that excess death there was over 15% in 2023 — and possibly over 20% excess death.
Cremations in Thailand were more than 10% higher in 2023 than in 2020. Because cremation numbers are “harder to fake” than mortality statistics in general, these elevated counts provide strong evidence of excess mortality which occurred after the dominant variant of COVID had been weakened.
Because COVID was weak when these deaths were high, it indicates that the COVID shots are more likely the cause of the excessive deaths and cremations which occurred in 2023. Prolonged high deaths in these 5 places indicates that COVID shots should be stopped, until the cause of such a prolonged elevation in death can be found.
"Because COVID was weak when these deaths were high, it indicates that the COVID shots are more likely the cause of the excessive deaths and cremations which occurred in 2023."
Well done! I am thinking that Steve Kirsch might find this data useful. Don't share with Greta Thunberg; I bet she would shudder at the thought of cremation emissions, "How Dare You!"