The amount of fatal adverse event reports (fatal AERs) to VAERS for non-elderly adults in the U.S. is usually pretty low, something like 2 total fatal adverse event reports per month. But with COVID shots, things changed by a lot. Here are the 60 months covering all of 2017 through all of 2021:
To get a feel for the relative increase, the mean of 143 consecutive months covering all of 2009 and forward for 143 consecutive months turned out to be 1.48 monthly fatal AERs. When charted as a multiplication factor, showing the number of multiples of the mean value, then by March 2021, fatal AERs were 500x the average:
April fatal AERs were even worse, at more than 550x. Because an increased exposure (over twice the typical doses were given out in 2021) added to an increased “propensity to report” cannot cover the gap between the typical monthly deaths and the April 2021 peak of 845 monthly deaths (a gap of over 500x), evidence suggests unsafe COVID shots.
Here is the first page of the notes utilized in order to create this report:
And here is the exact code to bring up this exact output on your very own computer screen: