The most common value of a data set is called the mode. And of all ages that Finnish females have died since 1970, the most common age of death has been increasing by 0.20 years each year, where the passage of time explained 99% of the increase:
But notice what happened to Finnish females in 2021 and especially in 2022: the modal age at death went down.
This indicates that something is causing them to die prematurely, especially in 2022 — the year that COVID had become less lethal than the common flu. The most likely explanation for this documented, premature death in Finland is the COVID shot.
The lower bound on a 99% prediction interval for the year of 2022 was 90.47, indicating that the observed modal age at death of 89.8 for the year of 2022 was statistically-significant at alpha = 0.01.
[modal age at death] — Diaconu et al. (2022) – processed by Our World in Data.