By 2023, death rates for the elderly (65+) had returned to baseline or below, but the death rates for the non-elderly people, those below age 65, remained elevated from their decade lows:
Less than 1.0 in each 1,000 people of age 25 are “supposed to” die each year, yet the death rate for them has been above 1.0 per 1,000 since at least 2016, and it peaked in 2021 at 1.41 deaths per thousand.
Even the death rate of 10-year-olds is running high lately. For those of age 45, the 2023 death rate of 2.60 per thousand is still elevated above 2014. The increase in age-specific death in the USA from 2020 going forward was not found in Sweden, where they did not have any strict COVID protocols:
The evidence suggests that COVID disease did not cause high death rates — e.g., Sweden shows no significant mortality signal — but that the strict COVID protocols (e.g., lock-downs, masks, vaccine mandates) did.
[age-specific death rates] —
biologyphenom substack reports on the Scottish Covid Inquiry, ignored by mainstream media, what really happened in care homes and hospitals, before and after lockdown policies were implimented. - no excess deaths at all before lockdown, and massive rise after, harrowing family accounts on how their loved ones were mistreated. This scenario would be mirrored in the rest of UK and other countries.