In 2015, the UK developed a team of military personnel for the purpose of engaging in nonlethal warfare. They are called the 77th Brigade. In January 2023, it was discovered that they were conducting military operations on UK citizens and politicians and reporters — even though their own overseers had claimed that that was forbidden.
Their operations are murky (stealthy), but they involve altering someone’s behavior without leaving a mark on them — i.e., without overtly using physical violence.
Back in 2018, an article mentioned that the Chief of the Russian General Staff, Valery Gerasimov, had already reported that nonlethal warfare was well underway: “blurring the lines between war and peace, civilian and military, state and non-state … between force and ideas.”
Back in March 2020, an article was written decrying how it was that the National Health Service in the UK was “close to collapse” and that, at the same time, the Ministry of Defence was spending hundreds of millions of British pounds on:
3. Ray Guns, £130m
4. Star Wars, £50m
5. Offensive cyber, £250m
6. ‘Countering disinformation’, £100m
The 5th line item in the military budget partially listed above also mentioned the 77th Brigade, but all 4 items listed may involve overlap.
To repeat, the operations of the 77th Brigade are murky (stealthy), but they involve altering someone’s behavior without leaving a mark on them — i.e., without overtly using physical violence.
A Personal Experience
Possibly because of my writing about the downside of having a big government, aspects of my life have been altered, many of them permanently.
As luck would have it, in Feb 2018, I found my living quarters to be flooded with electromagnetic energy which was so strong that — once paper was brought into its path — it was able to curl the paper edges in less than an hour of time:
When I checked to see how much electromagnetic energy was flooding my living quarters, I discovered that it hit a level of 1.18 microTesla (11.8 milliGauss) — far beyond the level that typical appliances put out:
In fact, this level of electromagnetic radiation is equivalent to 350 Volts/meter, which is 29 times higher than the amount it took to induce cancer in a Brazilian study [PMID: 21741680].
Since then, I’ve taken extra precautions regarding reducing exposure and limiting the effects of radiation, but with the discovery that the UK military covertly conducted military operations on its own people, we all have to become more wary than before (if we hope to survive what is coming).
Update: A hearing in the U.S. House in 2024 revealed more information relevant to the radiation readings that I found in my living quarters, including this declassified document from legal counsel, Mark Zaid:
[the UK joins the USA and Israel (and Russia and China) in efforts to conduct nonlethal warfare] —
[77th Brigade engaged in domestic military operations] —
[UK investing in advanced non-kinetic, energy weapons instead of healthcare] —
[nonlethal warfare widespread by 2018] —
[up to 35% more cancer death when close to cell tower] — Dode AC, Leão MM, Tejo Fde A, Gomes AC, Dode DC, Dode MC, Moreira CW, Condessa VA, Albinatti C, Caiaffa WT. Mortality by neoplasia and cellular telephone base stations in the Belo Horizonte municipality, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Sci Total Environ. 2011 Sep 1;409(19):3649-65. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2011.05.051. Epub 2011 Jul 13. PMID: 21741680.
[standing 1 meter in front of an operating microwave oven gets you an exposure level of 0.37 microTesla (3.7 milliGauss)] — Preece AW, Kaune W, Grainger P, Preece S, Golding J. Magnetic fields from domestic appliances in the UK. Phys Med Biol. 1997 Jan;42(1):67-76. doi: 10.1088/0031-9155/42/1/004. PMID: 9015809.
Yes. I have read about their neuro weapons.
Remember Netanyahu was suddenly Ill a few months ago and at first said it was basically dehydration? He had to have some kind of intervention that was heart related shortly after?
Then 10 days later Obama cook drowned under weird circumstances paddle boarding. I thought hmmmmm…. Did Biden whack BeBe with an energy source and BeBe retaliated with same 10 days later on the cook? Lol.
I know it sounds silly but the timing of all these events are interesting. The relationship between Obama/Biden and Netanyahu has been poor for years.
Just something I thought of but no one really talks about the timing. Lol. Idk. Just a silly idea.