As reported by John Leake, the German Robert Koch Institute, or RKI (or, in loose fashion, “Ricki”) had whistleblowers release official COVID documents. This can become known as the Ricki-Leaks debacle, in memory of the Wiki-Leaks debacle. What follows are some “stand-out” slides from a presentation that was given on it:
9:34 — COVID had a low Basic Reproduction Number, like flu does
Failed circulation means a low Basic Reproduction Number. The Basic Reproduction Number for flu is up to about 1.5 during active flu seasons, but dips below 1.0 in the off-season. This leads to an annualized symptomatic attack rate of between 3% and 11% (3-to-11 of every 100 persons get flu symptoms each year):
But the total annual flu attack rate — including asymptomatics — could reach double that: 6%-22%. However, those flu numbers are similar to the COVID numbers reported for the U.S. military, revealing that, despite official warnings, COVID was actually not any more contagious than the common, seasonal flu:
10:06 — The purpose of COVID was just so as to enact the mitigation measures
10:16 — Underwhelmed hospitals
Typical hospital bed vacancy in Germany is under 10%, but during COVID, half of all beds remained empty — which belies the official narrative that all of the top-down measures enacted were to be enacted in order to cope with an overwhelmed hospital system.
18:22 — Officials enact “inherently-deceptive” policies
This slide refers to what was communicated to the public externally regarding whether or not COVID shots prevented COVID infections — something which may rationalize the idea of a “vaccine mandate” so that you can “protect others.” It turns out that, at the time of attempted mandates, officials already knew the shots didn’t stop infections.
Whistleblower evidence suggests that “we got played” during COVID. It was never as scary as they had us believe, and the “pre-planned” top-down measures were never fit-for-purpose and therefore they were all doomed to failure — or planned to be failures, so as to justify yet further intrusions and interventions into peoples’ lives.
Let’s make sure that they never get the chance again.
[annual attack rate for symptomatic flu is up to 11%] — Macias AE, McElhaney JE, Chaves SS, Nealon J, Nunes MC, Samson SI, Seet BT, Weinke T, Yu H. The disease burden of influenza beyond respiratory illness. Vaccine. 2021 Mar 15;39 Suppl 1:A6-A14. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.09.048. Epub 2020 Oct 9. PMID: 33041103; PMCID: PMC7545338.
[annual attack rate for COVID was about 11%] — Taylor KM, Ricks KM, Kuehnert PA, Eick-Cost AA, Scheckelhoff MR, Wiesen AR, Clements TL, Hu Z, Zak SE, Olschner SP, Herbert AS, Bazaco SL, Creppage KE, Fan MT, Sanchez JL. Seroprevalence as an Indicator of Undercounting of COVID-19 Cases in a Large Well-Described Cohort. AJPM Focus. 2023 Aug 15;2(4):100141. doi: 10.1016/j.focus.2023.100141. PMID: 37885754; PMCID: PMC10598697.
Note that, although the symposium took place (for the third time) at the premises of the German Bundestag, it was organized by the AfD and so completely ignored by corporate media. Covid rehabilitation is a *very* slow and painful process here in Germany.
Thank you, excellent cliff's for the time poor.