Looking at a CDC report on vaccines in general, there were 965 fatal adverse event reports (reports of deaths) for all vaccines given out for all five years from 1997 to 2001, inclusive (purple marks added):
But for comparison purposes, it is required that you know how many vaccine doses went out over that same time frame:
With 965 death reports from 968.9 million total doses, that’s a reporting rate of just under 1 death report per million doses. FDA says that, at any time that a rate doubles, you should get suspicious that you are viewing a Safety Signal — something which flags a product for further review, to make sure that it isn’t harming people by a lot:
To find out if COVID shots met the critical threshold to get flagged, you could use the first 3 months of COVID shot uptake — checking to make sure that you don’t get as much as 2 fatal adverse event reports per million doses (twice what is typical). Here is the running tally of total COVID shots given out by the end of December 2020:
And here is the tally of total shots which had been given out by the end of March — 3 months later:
Subtracting the former (9.54 M) from the latter (150.14 M) gives you the amount which went out during those 90 days or so: 140.6 million doses. With 140.6 million doses given in those 3 months, we’d begin being wary if there were 282 fatal adverse event reports (AERs) from January to March 2021 (282 = 2.006 fatal AERs per million doses).
Let’s see if we reached the “magic number” of 282 fatal AERs when summing up the 3 months of January, February, and March (see bottom right):
[click to enlarge]
The final 3 numbers at bottom right are:
Jan = 2,072 fatal AERs
Feb = 3,713 fatal AERs
Mar = 3,731 fatal AERs
… which makes for a 3-month total of 9,516 fatal AERs. Not only does that reach the critical threshold for a Safety Signal, it is 34-fold higher than it would have needed to have been in order to reach the critical threshold for a Safety Signal. The fatal AER reporting rate per million doses is 67.7 reported deaths per million doses.
That’s 67x higher than what is typical for injectable products. But who would willingly take a product that is 67 times more dangerous than usual?
By March 2021, regulatory action should have commenced, given how the fatal AERs by then were already far beyond the threshold for a safety signal — though, due to reporting and processing times, perhaps only as low as 70% of the reports shown above may have been available at that specific time at the end of March 2021.
But we do know now that the fatal AER reporting rate was 67.7 per million doses. And we are well aware now that the typical fatal AER reporting rate is 1.0 per million doses. Below in orange are the 3 months in question, and at top right are the 5 historic years used as a benchmark in order to evaluate whether a Safety Signal exists for death:
In cell Y4, you can see that January’s fatal AER reporting rate was an astonishing 95.5 per million! As the fatal AER reporting rate was coming down in later months, you still find an uptick in it (Aug-Sep) when Delta variant became predominant, likely because jabbed people had higher viral loads and higher culturable virus during Delta.
In other words, when your immune system got imprinted by COVID shots that had been geared toward pre-Delta variants, then you did worse under Delta variant than someone else who refused to take the COVID shot. Besides being many times more deadly than typical shots, the COVID shots also made things worse regarding COVID.
[historic rate of fatal adverse event reports (fatal AERs)] — CDC. Surveillance for Safety After Immunization: Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) --- United States, 1991--2001. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/ss5201a1.htm
[rate doublings are Safety Signals] — Best Practices for FDA Staff in the Postmarketing Safety Surveillance of Human Drug and Biological Products. https://www.fda.gov/media/130216/download
[uptake of COVID shots] — OurWorldInData. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations
[MedAlerts VAERS searching tool] — MedAlerts. https://medalerts.org/vaersdb/index.php