One key to becoming happy is to have your priorities in order. Putting unimportant things above more important things is guaranteed to make your life less fulfilling. Aristotle knew about this. Here he is, demonstrating how it is a fact that Justice is more important, and therefore more preferable, than Courage:
And here is Aristotle demonstrating that it is a fact that Prudence is more important, and therefore more preferable, than Power:
But using the preference logic directly above, can it become a known fact that Freedom is more important, and therefore more preferable, than Safety? Let’s find out. The format can be paraphrased to look like this:
A is more important and preferable than B if some success and happiness is possible with A in the complete absence of B, but no (or much less) success or happiness is possible with B in the complete absence of A.
In this situation, A = Freedom and B = Safety, making it look this way:
Freedom is more important and preferable than Safety if some success and happiness is possible with Freedom in the complete absence of Safety, but no (or much less) success or happiness is possible with Safety in the complete absence of Freedom.
Before attempting to demonstrate if it is a fact that Freedom is more inherently-valuable to humans than Safety, it can prove useful to have a look at what “complete absence of Freedom” looks like. Here are AI-generated images of what a complete absence of Freedom looks like:
Image from: (search there for “wall shackles”)
These images look dreary. Ask yourself honestly, if placed into one of these depicted situations, would success and happiness be possible to you? In other words, if chained to the wall for your entire life (i.e., a complete absence of Freedom), would you have an enjoyable existence?
It is actually very easy to answer that, meaning that you can actually demonstrate that it is a fact that Freedom is more important than, and more preferable to, Safety. For human beings, Freedom is more inherently-valuable than Safety. But why does it matter?
Why it Matters
A main reason why it matters to discover the truth that Freedom is a higher human value than Safety is, is become con-men and hucksters often cite Safety as a reason for you to give up on your Freedom to experiment with different choices which might prove highly successful for you.
During COVID, for instance, the FDA attempted to practice medicine instead of staying in its own lane, when it told people that — regardless of what the doctor says (because some doctors said to take ivermectin) — that they should not take ivermectin. The insinuation was that you could make yourself worse-off by taking ivermectin.
Here is where the page used to be when the FDA attempted to practice medicine and to use propaganda on the people, propaganda which relied on the false notion that Safety is more important than your Freedom to choose treatments in order to find out what works best for you:
While the page is taken down because FDA got egg on its face after people showed how wrong the FDA was for putting the page up, the URL at top still reveals the propaganda that FDA was engaging in:
Pretending that Safety is more important than Freedom is a con-man’s trick, meant to get you to follow their directions instead of working out what is best for yourself. Their directions typically involve them either lining their pockets with cash, or unjustly accruing power over others.
Historic Contradiction
But these people “selling Safety” to you have to square their actions with history. If it had been true that people are not-to-be-allowed to take unsafe actions, then how do you explain how it has been legal to climb Mount Everest, ever since Edmund Hillary of New Zealand went to the top with Tenzing Norgay of Nepal in 1953?
Prior to the 1980s, attempting to summit Mount Everest came with at least a 10% chance to die:
The reason that it has never been made illegal to climb Mount Everest, even though it had a 10% chance to kill you if you try, is because Freedom is more important, and more preferable, than Safety. If people should be allowed to try things that have a 10% chance of being fatal, it contradicts FDA’s message on ivermectin, which is very safe.
It makes no sense to, on the one hand, allow a behavior that is 10% fatal, but then to turn around and, on the other hand, to prevent a drug much more safe than other drugs are. A report on ivermectin showed it to have one of the longest and most-conclusive safety profiles of any drug in history:
The next time that a government official tells you that you cannot personally decide what goes into your body because it is … “for your safety” — then tell them that they do not understand how it is a fact that freedom is more important than safety, and no government should interfere with individual human choices on treating conditions.
In other words, government should not be in the business of medicine (at all).
[Aristotle proved that Justice is more important than Courage] —
[Aristotle proved that Prudence is more important than Power] —
[FDA attempted to practice medicine, trying to tell people which drugs to take] — Page now removed.
[it used to be the case that 10% of people attempting to climb Mt. Everest died] —
[ivermectin is safer than almost any other drug] — Navarro M, Camprubí D, Requena-Méndez A, Buonfrate D, Giorli G, Kamgno J, Gardon J, Boussinesq M, Muñoz J, Krolewiecki A. Safety of high-dose ivermectin: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2020 Apr 1;75(4):827-834. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkz524. PMID: 31960060.
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