This post was inspired by a Substack post from Nicolas Hulscher.
Drugs that were too dangerous to leave on the market get recalled or voluntarily pulled off the market. Here is a list of 8 of the more deadly drugs to ever be recalled or pulled off the market (deaths are red and at top-right in the images):
Meridia — 94 deaths
Posicor — 118 deaths
Diethylstilbestrol — 214 deaths
Seldane — 380 deaths
Rezulin — 649 deaths
Baycol — 714 deaths
Bextra — 1054 deaths
Vioxx — 6639 deaths
And here they are when put together (side-by-side) so that you can get a general picture of what has historically been enough adverse event mortality to get a pharmaceutical product removed from the market:
But using the adverse event mortality that is usual for recalling a pharmaceutical product, we can determine whether COVID shots are now beyond what is usual for recalling a pharmaceutical product:
COVID Shots — 38,190 deaths
And let’s have a look at the side-by-side comparison:
Okay, a visual inspection is “enough” to come to a conclusion: COVID shots need to be recalled immediately. Scaling the harms up to the higher exposure that people had to COVID shots might cut numbers by two-thirds, but that is still not enough to close the gap between COVID shots and other drugs. Here are the notes showing the numbers:
In cell E21 you can see the critical threshold (mean + 3 standard deviations) that would indicate a special cause is in effect, because common cause variation — the variation among the common things which typically lead to deadly drugs that kill you — can no longer be considered to be a viable explanation for deaths sitting above that threshold.
The mean and standard deviation of the “Deadly Eight” were used in order to compute a Z score for the lethality of COVID shots. Compared to other lethal drugs, COVID shots were almost 17 standard deviations above the mean — well above the critical threshold that indicates a special cause is in effect.
Not only are COVID shots more deadly than other dangerous medicines, they are in a class among themselves — none of the Deadly Eight came close to leading to as many fatal AERs as COVID shots have.
When you sum up the death reports from the Deadly Eight (9862), COVID shots (cautiously noting the intended patient population, etc.) are nominally more dangerous than the next 8 dangerous drugs, combined. This is true even if you cut their numbers by two-thirds in order to adjust for different levels of population exposure.
[ FAERS (FDA) ] —
[ MedAlerts (VAERS) ] —
"RNA injections" are all psyop - all fakery, just like CovidHoax.
But don't forget aspirin -
Risk of bleeds and death with daily aspirin use higher than ... › science › jun › risk-of-...
Daily aspirin behind more than 3,000 deaths a year, study suggests from
14 Jun 2017 — Research suggests 3,000 people die a year in UK from long-term use of aspirin or similar drugs, but also taking heartburn medication could ...
Or the #2 cause for liver transplants, paracetamol (Tylenol) -
"Acetaminophen toxicity is the second most common cause of liver transplantation worldwide and the most common cause of liver transplantation in the US. It is responsible for 56,000 emergency department visits, 2,600 hospitalizations, and 500 deaths per year in the United States."