NOTE: VAERS data is not perfect and filtering it — such as when filtering by “Month of Vaccination” — always leaves out some minority of reports which either had bad dates or no dates (or perhaps dates in the wrong place in the filing form).
Here are 16 years of serious adverse event reports (serious AERs) from flu shots, according to the month of vaccination:
The years have been truncated so that they only include the 8 months out of the year when people take flu shots in the first place (July to Feb). October is the peak month, and it is not uncommon to see 150 or more serious AERs from the vaccines giving out during that month of the year. At right is the 2008/09 season, with 110.9 million doses:
More total flu shots had been given out the year prior (112.4 million), but due to the chart-high for the 2008/09 season — with over 250 serious adverse event reports from October 2008 flu shots — that season will be used in order to compare to COVID. Here are serious AERs from COVID shots by month of injection after Oct 2020:
The COVID shots given in April 2021 led to 31,347 serious AERs. And now let’s view them side-by-side, with the 2008/09 flu season at left — when the October peak was 278 serious AERs) — and the months leading up to peak COVID shot reporting rate (Apr 2021) at right:
As you can see, even if you account for the increase in monthly uptake of COVID shots — i.e., ~15% higher monthly uptake than the October 2008 uptake of flu shots — there is no way to bridge the sheer distance. For flu shots, the October numbers represent about 60% of total numbers, and 2008/09 had 110.9 million in total.
For uptake of COVID shots, the first of March 2021 had 77 million:
A month later, on 1 Apr 2021, there were 153.49 million — indicating a monthly uptake rate of 76.49 million shots:
But compared to the 110.9 million total flu shots of 2008/09, the October number — being about 60% of the total number — works out to about 66.54 million flu shots given during October of 2008. That means that peak monthly flu shot uptake was approximately ~85% as high as the monthly COVID shot uptake in 2021.
Because adjusting for the ~15% higher uptake rate of COVID shots does essentially nothing to close the distance between monthly reports of serious adverse events, it must be concluded that COVID shots are approximately 100 times more dangerous (unadjusted: 113x more dangerous) to take into your body than flu shots are.
[yearly uptake of flu shots] — CDC.
[uptake of COVID shots] — OurWorldInData.
[MedAlerts VAERS searching tool] — MedAlerts.