When it comes to administering experimental COVID injections to the group of people who were least likely to have any kind of a benefit from it (i.e., to children), Costa Rica is worst, but the 2nd-worst nation in the world is Ecuador:
By making it mandatory for every person over 5, Ecuador has done a great disservice to its people. For comparison purposes, you can view the results of policy extremes. If Ecuador is among the worst nations of the world, who is among the best? Yep, you guessed it, Sweden is among the best nations of the world by being most lenient.
When the excess death from these policy extremes is visualized, then there is no question which method is better, and it is the Swedish “leave it alone” (laissez faire) approach that worked best:
For most of the time, Sweden’s weekly excess death rate was less than half of Ecuador’s, and for a lot of the time, Sweden’s excess death was no more than one-tenth of Ecuador’s. Here is a graph of the ratio of Sweden’s excess death to Ecuador’s:
The parts of the graph that dip below zero are when Sweden was experiencing negative excess death, while, ever since late 2020, Ecuador has not had even one single week with less than average death in it.
The evidence suggests that strict COVID policies, such as the incredibly-asinine decision to mandate COVID shots for children, end up with your nation experiencing higher excess death.
FOOTNOTE: Over 6,000 serious adverse event reports for kids under age 18:
[COVID policies in 185 nations] — Cameron-Blake, E., Tatlow, H., Andretti, B. et al. A panel dataset of COVID-19 vaccination policies in 185 countries. Nat Hum Behav 7, 1402–1413 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-023-01615-8
[excess deaths of Sweden and Ecuador in one chart] — https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-average-baseline?time=2020-12-27..2023-12-31&country=ECU~SWE
[MedAlerts VAERS searching tool] — MedAlerts. https://medalerts.org/vaersdb/index.php
Thank you 🙏 that data is consistent with the new 🆕 info from Brazil: “In the long-term period, the adjusted analysis showed that the risk of death was 69 to 94% higher for those who were vaccinated; and for those who took one and two doses of the vaccine, the risk of death practically doubled compared to those who were not immunized (reference category). For those who took one dose, the risk was 2.02 to 2.49 times higher, and for those who took two doses, the risk was 92 to 97% higher. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/medicine/articles/10.3389/fmed.2024.1495428/full