Since the 2016 reports from the U.S. embassy in Cuba, there have been over 1,000 reports of “anomalous health incidents” (AHI’s) involving people tied somehow to the U.S. government. The AHI’s typically involve a screeching sound heard by the person affected, but not picked up by external microphones — along with dizziness and pain.
Five potential causes have been examined, and one cause which cannot be ruled out is the use of a directed-energy weapon (DEW): a type of “ray gun” that fires electromagnetic energy strong enough to impact the inner ear where normal sounds are translated into electrical impulses to the brain (so we can experience hearing them).
The spectrum of electromagnetic energy most likely involved is the radiofrequency (RF) spectrum. Five intelligence community (IC) agencies — or more opaquely, “components” — looked at the problem, but could not rule out the possibility of a DEW:
One agency says there is a “roughly even chance” that foreign actors have novel weapons capable of creating the symptoms found in the U.S. government personnel and in their dependents. Another agency believes it is even likely that foreign actors have RF antipersonnel capability, which might have been used on the affected people:
Safeguards should be put in place to prevent the possibility of covert use of DEW on unsuspecting victims, such as politicians who are getting prepared to vote on something important, intelligence community personnel who have been given the responsibility to report nefarious actions, and even just regular government critics.
A phrase that had been bandied about in 2020 was:
“No Justice, No Sleep”
And while COVID was being used in order to coerce most of society, there was simultaneously a second-front on which encroachments were made in relation to social justice warriors causing havoc in many places simultaneously. One interpretation of the slogan above involves people camping outside your home.
It can be hard to get to sleep if people, such as members of the progressive Sunrise Movement (note: the sun rises in the East), are camped outside your home and making a lot of noise which keeps you awake. Senator Mitch McConnell was one of the early victims of such behavior. But another interpretation involves less-obvious harassment.
Another way to keep someone from getting a good night’s sleep is to hit them with DEW. The 1,000-plus incidents which have impacted people tied to the U.S. government keep open the possibility of an organized harassment campaign which works on more than one level in order to impact U.S. domestic and foreign policy.
Update: A hearing in the U.S. House in 2024 revealed more information relevant to this topic, including this declassified document from legal counsel, Mark Zaid:
[update on anomalous health incidents] —
[timed movement coinciding with COVID] — Dubar RT. #NoJusticeNoSleep: Critical intersections of race-ethnicity, income, education, and social determinants in sleep health disparities. Sleep Health. 2022 Feb;8(1):7-10. doi: 10.1016/j.sleh.2021.12.007. PMID: 35125206; PMCID: PMC8811597.