The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) developed a dashboard allowing you to view aspects of the active surveillance program, V-Safe. This program is one step up from the passive surveillance program, VAERS, because it is based on a prospective cohort, followed forward through time.
There were just over 10 million users of age 3+, but a sizeable 7.7% of them (781,904) required medical care post-jab:
There was a severe symptom reported for every 2.5 persons:
And regarding facial paralysis (facial palsy), it happened to 669 persons, which works out to 66 persons with facial palsy for every million persons exposed to COVID shots:
But that’s more than 130 times higher than the reporting rate for facial palsy after flu shots — though in full analysis, we’d have to adjust downward to account for multiple COVID shots given to the same persons. Here are the VAERS reports for facial paralysis/palsy after flu shots, broken down by year:
Due to yearly changes in the total number of flu shots given out, the top reporting rate for those years above was actually back in 1996, when the count of reports was 27 and when about 58 million flu shots were given out:
That highest estimate still works out to under 0.5 reports of facial paralysis/palsy per million flu shots. To reach a Safety Signal, only a rate-doubling (2x) is required, as compared to all shots in general. But two adjustments still need to be made:
—adjust for propensity to report (e.g., V-Safe propensity 2x or 3x VAERS propensity)
—adjust for multiple COVID shots taken by persons (2 or 3 doses per person)
Taking the 2nd one first, even if you cut the COVID shot facial palsy rate by two-thirds — changing it from 66 per million down to 22 per million — adjusting it so that it is applied to 3 total shots, you don’t get anywhere close to that for flu shots. This adjustment is conservative, because most V-Safe participants only took 2 doses:
But comparing against flu shots in this quick-and-dirty analysis, we have, at least 40x (and more likely 60x or higher) in the risk of facial palsy post-dose. Continuing with at least 22 cases of facial palsy per million COVID shots, if we cut it in half to account for “double-propensity” to report to V-Safe (over that of VAERS), it’s still over 20x.
Even if we continue adjusting to “triple-propensity” to report to V-Safe (over that of VAERS), it’s still over 15x. Under plausible assumptions, a strong safety signal exists for COVID shots in relation to facial palsy.
[V-safe Data] —
[VAERS reports of facial palsy after flu shots] —
[yearly flu shots given out] —