This post will extend analysis from a prior report which showed that working-age death rates in Canada were still very high in 2022.
Here is an extended graph showing that anywhere from 80 to 90 yearly deaths per 100,000 is the age-specific death rate which is typical for those of age 35 to 39:
But that means that 2022 death rates were at least 40% above what is normal for this age group. Even worse, when a society has increases in freedom, then the dynamic process of discovery and innovation causes the life expectancy for every age band to rise:
And this means that increases in age-specific death rates like has been seen in those of working age in Canada actually signify an organized violation of human freedom. As indicated by rising life expectancy at all ages, age-specific death rates are supposed to fall over time, not rise.
Organized violations of human freedom are tyrannies, and they should be resisted. The age-specific death rate increases for 2022 — when the COVID variant was mild — signify that a tyranny is involved, and not merely some kind of a respiratory disease.
COVID is part of something bigger (an intended tyranny).
[Narrow age-band death counts] — Table: 13-10-0394-01 (formerly CANSIM 102-0561).
[Narrow age-band population size] — Table 17-10-0005-01 Population estimates on July 1st, by age and sex.
[more life expectancy at every conceivable age] — Max Roser (2020) - “It’s not just about child mortality, life expectancy increased at all ages” Published online at Retrieved from: '' [Online Resource]