It isn’t clear if this phenomenon has been officially explained, even 4 years later.
After being alerted by another Substack participant to the fact that the FDA tried to get N-acetyl Cysteine (NAC) supplements pulled from the market in July 2020, I did some research and discovered an explanation for both things:
—non-pneumonia hypoxemia, refractory to oxygen supplementation
—FDA’s concern about leaving NAC supplements on the market
To set the stage, here is the binding site of oxygen on the heme part of hemoglobin:
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Notice the Fe (iron atom) at the center that oxygen attaches to. For hemoglobin to serve its function of carrying oxygen out to your cells, that iron is supposed to be in a reduced (+2) state, or its “ferrous” state. But if free radicals raise the oxidation state of iron to (+3), then it turns into ferric iron — which doesn’t bind oxygen.
There are 4 iron sites and when one is oxidized to ferric iron, the other sites increase their affinity for oxygen — not releasing it to the tissues when needed. The medical name for this modified hemoglobin is methemoglobin and a normal proportion of methemoglobin is for it to make up ~1% of your total hemoglobin.
Hypoxemia without Pneumonia
Methemoglobinemia is when too high of a percentage of your hemoglobin has been oxidized, pulse oximetry oxygen saturation numbers remain low, even with supplemental oxygen.
One treatment protocol for high methemoglobin is the triple combination of methylene blue, vitamin C, and — yep, you guessed it — NAC. Back in April 2020, researchers advised the use of the triple combination of methylene blue, vitamin C, and NAC in order to prevent death in COVID patients.
By the end of the next month (May), researchers in Iran had been measuring methemoglobin in critically ill COVID patients, and then treating it with methylene blue, vitamin C, and NAC — with 80% success in a small sample, with improvement seen by Day 2 (48 hours) in each case.
They didn’t published their results until August 2020, but with deep state surveillance/espionage, the FDA might have known about those “end-of-May” results even by July 2020 — when FDA signalled that it wanted to ban NAC supplements:
In a small sample of 5, four critically-ill patients survived and were discharged from ICU. Most interestingly, that fifth patient that they lost was the only one not receiving all 3 substances (supply of methylene blue had temporarily run out).
In other words, there is an explanation for why the fifth critically ill patient didn’t make it, and it is possible that the success rate of preventing death in critically ill COVID patients could have been 100% — if they had not run out of methylene blue.
But if 100% of critically ill COVID patients could get saved by 3 cheap substances, then there’d be no impetus for wide-scale COVID injections. To test for significance of this small sample of critically ill COVID patients who survived, I ran a paired t-test on the nitrite levels (marker for oxidative/nitrosative stress) and on methemoglobin:
Even that small sample of critically ill patients who were all discharged from ICU with good results was statistically significant. The administration of methylene blue, vitamin C, and NAC had led to significant drops in nitrite levels and in methemoglobin — so that they could breathe well on their own (without ventilation).
Afterthought: A hypothesis about covert use of a stressor to induce mass methemoglobinemia in people is presented here, and empirical evidence which is consistent with that hypothesis is presented here.
[suggested protocol to prevent critically ill COVID patients from dying] — Hamidi Alamdari D, Bagheri Moghaddam A, Amini S, Hamidi Alamdari A, Damsaz M, Yarahmadi A. The Application of a Reduced Dye Used in Orthopedics as a Novel Treatment against Coronavirus (COVID-19): A Suggested Therapeutic Protocol. Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2020 Apr;8(Suppl1):291-294. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2020.47745.2349. PMID: 32607398; PMCID: PMC7296601.
[at least 80% recovery of small sample of critically ill COVID patients] — Alamdari DH, Moghaddam AB, Amini S, Keramati MR, Zarmehri AM, Alamdari AH, Damsaz M, Banpour H, Yarahmadi A, Koliakos G. Application of methylene blue -vitamin C -N-acetyl cysteine for treatment of critically ill COVID-19 patients, report of a phase-I clinical trial. Eur J Pharmacol. 2020 Oct 15;885:173494. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2020.173494. Epub 2020 Aug 20. PMID: 32828741; PMCID: PMC7440159.
They would not have granted EUA to anything experimental like gene "therapy" injections if any existing treatments helped. Of course, the plan from the getgo was total world "vaccination" so any remedies that showed they allieved symptoms had to bbe suppressed/ridiculed/removed from market/overdosed in trials,given similar sounding drug but incorrect and ineffectve one, to skew trials so that jo public kept in fear and then queue up for death dart.
I figured because it works and they wanted me dead.