When looking at people under age 70 in the VAERS database, the age band from 50 to 59 was comparatively worst for fatal adverse event reports (fatal AERs), given a baseline mean yearly count of 5.2 fatal AERs per year, using 2010-2019 for the baseline:
The 2021 year had over 1,800 fatal AERs and was 353x higher than typical. If you begin with an average of 5.2, and then ramp it up three-fold to account for increased dosing during 2021, then you reach 15.6 expected fatal AERs for the year of 2021. If you then triple it again under an assumed tripling of the “propensity to report” then you get:
46.8 expected yearly fatal AERs for 2021
But the actual count of fatal AERs for 2021 was 1,835 fatal AERs — still 39x higher than a conservatively “full-adjusted” expected value of 46.8 fatal AERs. The evidence suggests that, for this age group, COVID shots were — at a bare minimum — 39 times more fatal than usual vaccines are.
Here is the search result used in order to create the graph above:
[specific search result used] — https://medalerts.org/vaersdb/findfield.php?TABLE=ON&GROUP1=VACY&DIED=Yes&WhichAge=range&LOWAGE=50&HIGHAGE=60&VAX_YEAR_LOW=2010
Have all the premiums for life/disability policies risen since 2021?