I found a page online where CDC attempts to dispel “myths” related to COVID shots, so that we can all get back onto the right track and begin to live in just one shared reality — the particular reality that is approved of by CDC. Here is the first one:
Claim #1
RECAP of CDC Claim #1: Even though data on over 10,000 persons aged 30-plus shows better long-run protection from a natural infection (green below), the experimental injections are safer and more dependable than natural infection. Scientific sources given: none.
Claim #2
“The ingredients in COVID-19 vaccines are safe.”
RECAP of CDC Claim #2: Chemical elements and molecules inside the experimental injections are safe. Scientific sources given: none.
Claim #3
“COVID-19 vaccines do not cause new variants.”
RECAP of CDC Claim #3: Even though, without exception, new variants kept on coming out with each new distribution of new COVID shots, the shots don’t, in fact, cause the new variants — i.e., it’s all just a spurious correlation of two things which have always happened together. Scientific sources given: none.
Claim #4
“COVID-19 vaccines do not contain microchips and they cannot make you magnetic.”
RECAP of CDC Claim #4: Even though COVID shots contain 165 times the highest natural source concentration of the strongest magnet on Earth, neodymium, the shots don’t make you magnetic. And those self-assembling artificial structures (resembling ”microchips”) found in blood from recipients must be fake. Scientific sources given: none.
Claim #5
“COVID-19 vaccines will not affect fertility.”
RECAP of CDC Claim #5: Even though adverse event reports of menstrual irregularity after COVID shots are so high that there is nothing else in the literature which approaches them, the shots don’t actually affect fertility. Scientific sources given: none.
Claim #6
“COVID-19 vaccines do not alter DNA.”
RECAP of CDC Claim #6: Even though when cells divide, there is no nucleus — so that DNA fragments from COVID shots could literally mix with your DNA — nothing bad will happen. Scientific sources given: none.
Claim #7
“Not all events reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) are caused by vaccination.”
RECAP of CDC Claim #7: This one is actually knowable and true.
Claim #8
“COVID-19 vaccines recommended for use in the United States do not shed or release their components.”
RECAP of CDC Claim #8: There shall be no shedding. Scientific sources given: none.
Special note: This claim is worded differently than all others above, limiting the subject matter to just those specific COVID shots which have been recommended, by some specific person or organization, for use inside of the United States.
[Eight claims about COVID shots] — https://www.cdc.gov/covid/vaccines/myths-facts.html
[nominally-better long-run protection from a natural infection in those over age 29] — Franchi M, Pellegrini G, Cereda D, Bortolan F, Leoni O, Pavesi G, Galli M, Valenti G, Corrao G. Natural and vaccine-induced immunity are equivalent for the protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection. J Infect Public Health. 2023 Aug;16(8):1137-1141. doi: 10.1016/j.jiph.2023.05.018. Epub 2023 May 20. PMID: 37267680; PMCID: PMC10198735. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10198735/
[over 9,000 reports of menstrual irregularity to VAERS, with 56% of them occurring within 14 days of injection — before even half of a typical menstrual cycle had had a chance to take place] — https://medalerts.org/vaersdb/index.php