NOTE: The previous report on this topic is here.
After the rare earth element which is the world’s most powerful magnet, neodymium, was found inside of COVID shots, a key follow-up question would ask whether it is a contaminant that crept its way into the COVID shots naturally, or whether it was deliberately chosen to be put into the shots — even without a medical basis.
In the general environment, the concentration of neodymium (Nd) is very low in seawater and it is highest in natural water streams:
The reason it is easy to tell that neodymium was deliberately added is because the concentration is up to 165 times the highest general environment concentration:
But if it wasn’t an accidental contaminant — because no natural source of neodymium even comes close to what is found in the COVID shots — then why put it in there?
Freitas R, Costa S, D Cardoso CE, Morais T, Moleiro P, Matias AC, Pereira AF, Machado J, Correia B, Pinheiro D, Rodrigues A, Colónia J, Soares AMVM, Pereira E. Toxicological effects of the rare earth element neodymium in Mytilus galloprovincialis. Chemosphere. 2020 Apr;244:125457. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.125457. Epub 2019 Nov 23. PMID: 32050323.
Easy to solve: Magnetic mRNA Isolation with Dynabeads in 15 minutes
Contamination if RNA is purified by magnetic beads. The core of the beads might also be neodyne, I think.
Very interesting. Thank you. :)