Excess Death Among 31 Early-Adopters of Jabs
Significant increase in nations that had a rollout prior to 30 Dec 2020
An update to this Substack can be found here.
If you look at one of the worst recent seasons of flu (2017/18) in one of the places hit hardest (The Netherlands), you discover that the average weekly excess death per 100,000 was about 1.05 for the 52 weeks of the year of 2018.
But in 31 nations which rolled out COVID jabs prior to 30 Dec 2020, the average weekly excess death was 2.35 per 100,000 — using the week of 2 Mar 2020 until the last date before rollout.
More disturbing is when you follow them for an extra year past their jab rollouts. The average weekly excess death after rollouts was 2.90 per 100,000. That’s 23% higher excess death than had been seen under COVID alone, with no jabs.
[click to enlarge]
Using each nation as its own control group, a paired t-test was significant (p-value < .05). While the months of 2020 only ran from March to December, an excess death number is a figure which already has seasonality worked into it.
This means that you can compare excess deaths even when months don’t match.
Promoters of the jabs should be interrogated regarding the statistically-signficant increase in average weekly excess death after rollouts — at least when looking at a sample of 31 nations with rollouts prior to 30 Dec 2020*.
*Russia and China were excluded because of “unofficial” rollouts which occurred months before anyone else on the planet. Their jabs were circulating even before the preliminary results of any clinical trials had been published.
[weekly accumulation of excess death per 100,000 population] — The Economist. OWID. https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid
[average daily excess death during 2018 in the Netherlands was 1.49 per million; when 9373 excess deaths were found and population was 17.23 million] — van Asten L, Harmsen CN, Stoeldraijer L, Klinkenberg D, Teirlinck AC, de Lange MMA, Meijer A, van de Kassteele J, van Gageldonk-Lafeber AB, van den Hof S, van der Hoek W. Excess Deaths during Influenza and Coronavirus Disease and Infection-Fatality Rate for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2, the Netherlands. Emerg Infect Dis. 2021 Feb;27(2):411-420. doi: 10.3201/eid2702.202999. Epub 2021 Jan 4. PMID: 33395381; PMCID: PMC7853586. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7853586/
Seems earliest people were hit hardest. Only time will tell what will happen to everyone and that's why trials need years, not weeks, to follow up recipients of any drugs/procedures.
Thanks for this detailed report. Very helpful. Tragic.