Thanks. Great Rumble video. I agree with Dan that no permission should be needed to shot someone pointing a rifle at the person being protected by the Secret Service. Standard police rules of engagement apply. I don’t buy the crest of the roof causing a line of sight issue, but is possible and plausible. I’m waiting for people to do math with video footage. It’s 2024, we can figure out angles from video.

Why Trump was allowed to get in stage and why he wasn’t asked to get off stage? It appears that the Secret Service wanted Trump to be killed. A $70 drone could have identified the perimeter breach. A $200 drone could have told the assassin to drop his weapon while Trump waited in safety. A $5,000 drone could have taken out the assassin with no line of sight issues. The protective detail should know how draw a gun and reholster a gun without looking. Dan also makes the obvious point that in order to protect a target from gunfire those people nearest to the target should be as big or bigger than the target.

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