NOTE: A related report with citations is here.
Neodymium is a rare earth element and it is used to form the world’s most powerful permanent magnet, so when researchers found a concentration of it at up to 14 micrograms per Liter in the COVID shots, a straightforward question arises:
In Moderna’s COVID shot, you get 0.5 mL injected into you. When you work out the hypothetical amount of neodymium — using the maximum concentration of 14 mcg/L — you end up with 7 nanograms of neodymium injected into you. To afford perspective, let’s find the power of tiny neodymium magnets smaller than a dime:
Dimes are 0.705 inches across. But you can buy magnets smaller than that (0.47 inches):
This tiny neodymium magnet is smaller than a dime, and has up to 4-lbs of pull. Just one of them would hold the weight of a quart of milk. Having such a highly-powerful magnet inside your body could conceivably make you electro-sensitive and would also explain the dozens and dozens of individual videos showing magnets on people’s arms.
Magnets are not supposed to stick to the side of your arm, they are supposed to fall. But when dozens and dozens of people took COVID shots, they made videos of the magnets sticking to their arm (but only at the site of the COVID shot, not elsewhere). What medical purpose was there for putting this rare earth element into the shots?
The evidence suggests a violation of the Nuremberg Code: nonconsensual experiments.