In this report, it was discovered that the average age of a recipient of COVID shots was 53. This follow-up will compare the reporting rate (per million doses) of fatality within 4 months of a flu vaccination in age band 50-64. Here are the number of flu shot doses that went out each year, along with the fatal reporting rate for flu shots:
Column V shows the proportion of the age band that got dosed with flu shots each year, coming from the citation at bottom. Column X shows the actual number of vaccinees by year. The code “DBD120” is short-hand for “fatal adverse event report, with onset by Day 120” — or, more crudely — “Dead By Day 120.”
And here is how each of 15 Moderna lots compares:
Moderna lot 039 K 20 A almost reached 2,500x when compared to the reporting rate of fatality from 10 years of flu shots in age band 50-64. All lots were over 500x. When compared to an age band which contains the average age of a COVID shot recipient, these 15 Moderna lots show up as being relatively harmful, by at least 500x.
[ICAN page with a link to the 17Mb PDF file showing Moderna lot sizes] —
[MedAlerts VAERS searching tool] — MedAlerts.
[age distribution of those receiving flu shots in 2010-2020] —
Moderna anti-COVID-18 vaccines are 500 times more deadly within 120 days than the flu shot among the average age band of flu shot recipients. For the elites and the media there is nothing to see here. To them, death can still be treated as a rare adverse consequence. Why should the elite bother to explain 500 times more deaths in 120 days when the media still says correlation is not causation without providing any numbers?