This post continues investigation from this prior work. The raw count of U.S. obituaries containing the word “unexpectedly” rose by a lot in 2021/2022:
From a baseline of less than 30,000 U.S. obituaries containing the word, “unexpectedly”, it shot up to over 50,000 after the rollout of the COVID shots.
Here is the proportion of all obituaries (as a percentage of total) that contain the word:
Notice how it is that — for every full year of full implementation of the Affordable Care Act (open enrollment began on 1 Oct 2013) — the share of all obituaries using the word “unexpectedly” rises, though the largest jump was in 2021.
Here is the rate of U.S. obituaries containing the word, per 100,000 population:
Notice that the rate peaked out in 2022, when the number of COVID shots which had been systematically doled out to unsuspecting U.S. citizens had reached 663 million:
Evidence strongly suggests that COVID shots led to a steep rise in U.S. obituaries using the word “unexpectedly” — consistent with the COVID shots causing an uptick in sudden deaths among U.S. citizens.
As the Surgeon General of Florida, Joseph Ladapo, has now called for a halt in the use of mRNA shots, the U.S. obituary reports indicate that such a halt cannot come too soon, given the indication that sudden deaths in 2022 in the USA were unprecedented.
[2014 is the first full year of implementation of ACA] — The Impacts of the Affordable Care Act on Preparedness Resources and Programs: Workshop Summary. FKey Features of the Affordable Care Act by Year.
[online obituary database] — Legacy.
[U.S. population] — U.S. Census Bureau, Total Population: All Ages including Armed Forces Overseas [POP], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;
Watch, now they'll have to change their terminology.