Sep 1Liked by Deep Dive

Another level of controversy is “pill induced vs sun induced” vit D…. A mid-western doctor (I think) and others have written on this. Can you imagine a CDC recommendation to get more sun exposure?!

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Funny you should say that, Aaron. There's a recent report [ PMID: 39094281 ] showing a benefit to mortality from UV exposure, but it could take decades before it is translated into public health advice.

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Sep 1Liked by Deep Dive

One Familial anecdote….my father worked outside with a shirt off his whole life never smoked never drank his brother and his father both died very early of cardiac events. They both smoked and drank… my father is/was one of the more robust and healthy 76-year-olds as attested by his doctors… Sadly, I can’t convince him to stop taking statins…. which have to my mind, noticeably debilitated him.

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I was interested to learn that like many nutrients, Vitamin D uptake requires a synergistic interplay of a number of minerals and nutrients. According to Dr Eric Berg, the following minerals and nutrients are required to ensure maximum Vitamin D3 uptake:

* Magnesium: Magnesium is essential for the conversion of Vitamin D into its active form. It also helps in the absorption and metabolism of Vitamin D.

* Zinc: Zinc plays a role in the synthesis and activation of Vitamin D.

* Boron: Boron helps to increase the half-life of Vitamin D, allowing it to remain active in the body for a longer period.

* Vitamin K2: Vitamin K2 works synergistically with Vitamin D to ensure proper calcium absorption and utilization.

* Calcium: Calcium is the primary mineral that Vitamin D helps to absorb and regulate in the body.

Phosphorus: Phosphorus works with calcium and Vitamin D to support bone health.

Iron: Iron is important for the proper functioning of enzymes involved in Vitamin D metabolism.

* Cholesterol: Cholesterol is a precursor to Vitamin D, and adequate levels are necessary for optimal Vitamin D production.

* Healthy fats: Consuming healthy fats, such as those found in avocado, olive oil, and fatty fish, can improve Vitamin D absorption.

* Protein: Protein is essential for the production of the Vitamin D binding protein, which transports Vitamin D in the bloodstream.

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