Please say it straight up. The “gap” you refer to means the shooter was NOT on the water tower, right? The “figures” “seen” there were NOT to scale, but 2 to 10 times the size of a normal man when using the garage door below for perspective. Also, the water tower seems slightly behind line of sight to Trump, or so it appears to me.

Also, there’s the small matter (Sarc) of the gun-smoke puffs off to Trump’s left of platform. (Crooks Building and SS “upstairs window” above Crooks position are on Trump’s right of platform)

As we see the smoke puffs from off-platform left…coinciding with the hydraulic hose being slit …are

2 people near Trump instantly shot and felled to the floor.

So…why the question IF there was a second shooter?

1). Shooter One: EITHER Crooks or SS Sniper from “upstairs” window, BOTH having the same trajectory…

2). AND Shooter Two: the shooter off platform left-side of Trump that clipped the hydraulic line before wounding two people and murdering another.

THIS Murder is what we need to focus on because THIS is the SURE THING MURDER CHARGE for a sniper OTHER THAN Crooks or the “SS Snipers in the “upstairs window.” on Trump’s right side of the platform and across the field, along with the SS Snipers in the upstairs, who they “say”’ left the building to wander around the field looking for Crooks…who is shown in MANY videos to be walking OPENLY around the building, then climbing onto the roof in a “bear crawl,” all on video…

3). AND Shooter 3…the Sniper who killed Crooks, assumed to be the shot following TWO Separate Volleys…volley 1 said to be 3 shots and Volley 2 said to be 5 quicker, distinctly different shots ,

AND THEN Shooter 3, with Crooks’ “taken out” by a single final Sniper shot, assumed to be a Secret Service Sniper, BUT “they” are saying this shooter was NOT on the barn roof position directly behind Trump’s platform. Please confirm.

But “they” don’t say where, and so we don’t know WHERE this Crooks Kill-shot Sniper was …who is said to NOT be on the barn roof position.

The acoustic analysis distinguishes this last shot by a longer pause, and distinctive sound, indicating closeness to Trump’s microphone position, used for Laboratory analysis because of its central position.

See Peak Prosperity, Chris Martinson, YouTube.

Chart of audio graphics is matched with multiple video angles and distances to identify location and trajectory.

So my confusion is, WHY the confusion? …as to whether there was more than one would-be assassin?

Sen. Ron Johnson has mentioned Dr. Martinson’s research…and I think he would have introduced this element for a reason. He introduced the Second Shooter as having recorded audio validity.

Like every other piece of “evidence,” …here today, changed tomorrow.

But there has to be a CITIZEN’S INVESTIGATIVE COMMITTEE…as a collection point to sort and connect dots, throwing OUT the bazillion (ON PURPOSE) blind alleys that make this a maze rather than the STRAIGHT LINE that is appropriate CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

Thank you for reading this. I know ALL of us realize what’s at stake.

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Barbara, all of your early questions would be answered by the two hyperlinks I included in the intro -- link 1 describes gaps or delays, and link 2 describes everything. I want to get to the bottom of what happened. The audio evidence that day isn't a hindrance to getting to the bottom of things.

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I did read it. My point is you offered evidence. I saw the Math. But I didn’t see where you said: and This Is the Conclusion. You just showed the math, not what the math means in word descriptors.

I was asking that it be stated directly EITHER that it means the water tower shooter location WAS a possibility OR the water tower shooter location ISN’T a possibility.

Good research.

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Barbara, I edited the essay at the end to address your concerns.

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If I were a hacker, I could get all the GPS locations of all the phones at the rally, placing everyone where they would be at the time of the shooting. Shooter locations could all be triangulated from such information.

Unfortunately, I'm not a hacker (I have no idea on how to obtain all cell phone locations).

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