In this prior report, I went back to 2017 to show the contrast of typical monthly fatal adverse event reports (fatal AERs) for non-elderly adults living in the USA. But it is almost as bad if you look at the yearly numbers, this time going back to 2010:
The average from 2010-2019 was 14.7 yearly fatal AERs. The value for 2021 (3,464) is 235 times greater than the typical yearly value of 14.7 fatal AERs. Even under the conservative assumption that 3 times as many doses went out in 2021 vs. years prior, along with the assumption that the “propensity to report” had doubled, you fall short.
The only way that you can explain a value that is 235 times greater than the average is by concluding that the COVID shots were not safe to take. Especially concerning is how the regulators appeared to drop the ball and miss out on detecting this 235-fold increase in fatal AERs.
We were never told that non-elderly fatal AERs rose by 235-fold with the COVID shots.
When the percentage of all reports that were fatal reports is collected for the same years, then the average percentage of all reports that are fatal is 0.13% for 2010-2019. But for COVID shots in 2021, the percentage of all reports which were fatal was 0.69% — 5.2 times a larger share of all reports being fatal.
Even this 5-fold increase in the percentage of all reports which are fatal — a measure that is robust to changes in the total exposure and to changes in the propensity to report — appears to have been missed by the regulators. Why were AERs for COVID shots over 5 times more likely to be fatal than AERs for other shots?
To get the denominator of the proportion or percentage, here are all the AERs recorded:
[VAERS database search tool] —