NOTE: Two earlier Substacks on this topic are here and here.
CBS did a fourth report — at YouTube call-tag: [ v=JdPSD1SUYCY ] — on what has become known as Havana Syndrome, where it is suspected that people were targeted by directed energy weapons. Here is a prelude into the eventual CBS 60-Minutes report, revealing that the number of suspected victims is now over 1,500:
Victim Tally
Follow-up Research
During this fourth episode on the subject, it was reported that at least one follow-up study of the events came to the conclusion that the most-likely cause is directed energy weapons:
Prediction of Continuation/Worsening
An FBI agent made a scary prediction: the use of these weapons will now increase.
A retired Lieutenant Colonel agrees with her:
Injuries to the Central Nervous System
Families of Targets also being Targeted?
Intercepted Phone Call on Day Prior
Hospitalized with Injury to Inner Ear
US Government not being Upfront
Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and is currently the best defense against silent weapons. Let’s hope the new administration will be more forthcoming with the US public regarding the current threat and the past and current harm being caused.