But look at it this way. There are two scales to measure these two effects. If you imagine how to pull off a fake pandemic, the recipe for it takes at least two ingredients:
1) actual harm
2) hype
While you don't need high levels of actual harm to get the fear up to the point where it is raging and consuming everything in its path, you do need moderate levels of actual harm. Abe Lincoln said you can fool all people some of the time, some people all of the time, but not all people all of the time.
Because each aspect is crucial (you can't get the pandemic without a mix of both things), and because lower quantities of actual harm are required than are of fear-mongering, each unit of actual harm is actually more important to perpetuating the pandemic than each unit of fear-mongering.
This can be true even, and perhaps especially, if the pandemic was 90% fear-mongering and 10% actual harm.
I agree, though I do think they achieved the actual harm by either actually euthanizing people in hospitals and care facilities, and / or by making up statistics.
I note in particular that wherever asked for and obtained, numbers of funerals / cremations aren’t matching the hype in 2020.
I would imagine that the contribution of smartphones to the quasi-viral spreading of fear, hysteria and propaganda swamps any such effects.
But look at it this way. There are two scales to measure these two effects. If you imagine how to pull off a fake pandemic, the recipe for it takes at least two ingredients:
1) actual harm
2) hype
While you don't need high levels of actual harm to get the fear up to the point where it is raging and consuming everything in its path, you do need moderate levels of actual harm. Abe Lincoln said you can fool all people some of the time, some people all of the time, but not all people all of the time.
Because each aspect is crucial (you can't get the pandemic without a mix of both things), and because lower quantities of actual harm are required than are of fear-mongering, each unit of actual harm is actually more important to perpetuating the pandemic than each unit of fear-mongering.
This can be true even, and perhaps especially, if the pandemic was 90% fear-mongering and 10% actual harm.
I agree, though I do think they achieved the actual harm by either actually euthanizing people in hospitals and care facilities, and / or by making up statistics.
I note in particular that wherever asked for and obtained, numbers of funerals / cremations aren’t matching the hype in 2020.
I agree there, also. Though, looking at only nations that cremate over 80% of their dead, 3 outliers stand out: Hong Kong, Singapore, and Thailand.
I wrote about that here: [ deepd1ve.substack.com/p/cremation-statistics ]
5g makes me nervous