FYI: Although I agree with your general conclusion, the query has a couple blind spots. 1) ~15% of all "flu" reports in VAERS have Unknown vax date therefore those reports are not being returned in these absolute medalerts counts. ~8% unknown vax date for covid jabs respectively.
The second point is all the "under-coded" SAE for covid especially. Things like cardiac arrest, pulmonary embolism, uncounted death, fetal demise, even myocarditis that is coded as "not serious" (anything below hospitalization). This is harder to quantify, but I've done it, there is ~100k "not serious" reports that should be "serious" for covid jabs...
I'm sure in the perfect world if someone could work through the calculation hiccups the covid jab would look much worse than you are showing now... For some reason the "entered date" is not offered as a query option, but would be a much better date to query only because it's populated 100% of the time. God Bless and Merry Christmas
Thank you for having the intellectual curiosity and skills to investigate. I did learn and save your link to CDC's flu stats. I hadn't found that before. I was also trying to determine if the CDC Flu stats were just for the USA & our territories or global? I think it's just USA & territories? But anyways, your analysis is appreciated and you taught me something. God Bless
Yes, but that’s nearly always true when checking VAERS — i.e., for whatever product given alongside other products.
There is a reasonable range of effects to look into, such as an uptick in the “propensity to report” — but the scale of numbers regarding COVID shots gets beyond the reasonable range of effects.
For more on this, I added a new post talking about the reasonable range of expectations — using the history of recalled medcines.
FYI: Although I agree with your general conclusion, the query has a couple blind spots. 1) ~15% of all "flu" reports in VAERS have Unknown vax date therefore those reports are not being returned in these absolute medalerts counts. ~8% unknown vax date for covid jabs respectively.
The second point is all the "under-coded" SAE for covid especially. Things like cardiac arrest, pulmonary embolism, uncounted death, fetal demise, even myocarditis that is coded as "not serious" (anything below hospitalization). This is harder to quantify, but I've done it, there is ~100k "not serious" reports that should be "serious" for covid jabs...
I'm sure in the perfect world if someone could work through the calculation hiccups the covid jab would look much worse than you are showing now... For some reason the "entered date" is not offered as a query option, but would be a much better date to query only because it's populated 100% of the time. God Bless and Merry Christmas[]=FLU(H1N1)&VAX[]=FLU3&VAX[]=FLU4&VAX[]=FLUA3&VAX[]=FLUA4&VAX[]=FLUC3&VAX[]=FLUC4&VAX[]=FLUN(H1N1)&VAX[]=FLUN3&VAX[]=FLUN4&VAX[]=FLUR3&VAX[]=FLUR4&VAX[]=FLUX&VAX[]=FLUX(H1N1)&VAX[]=H5N1&VAXTYPES=Influenza&SERIOUS=ON
Thank you for that guidance. I did not have very much experience using MedAlerts and your comments will prove very useful to me going forward.
God Bless and Merry Christmas, to you, too.
Thank you for having the intellectual curiosity and skills to investigate. I did learn and save your link to CDC's flu stats. I hadn't found that before. I was also trying to determine if the CDC Flu stats were just for the USA & our territories or global? I think it's just USA & territories? But anyways, your analysis is appreciated and you taught me something. God Bless
Compounding and coincidental effects of flu shot on COVID shot recipients unknown
Yes, but that’s nearly always true when checking VAERS — i.e., for whatever product given alongside other products.
There is a reasonable range of effects to look into, such as an uptick in the “propensity to report” — but the scale of numbers regarding COVID shots gets beyond the reasonable range of effects.
For more on this, I added a new post talking about the reasonable range of expectations — using the history of recalled medcines.